E-Publisher's Corner
David Ray Skinner talks dreams of a big adventure & a California Itch.
Letter to the ePublisher
One of our readers talks back.
Lisa Love's Life
Where reality and humor hang in Downtown Atlanta.
A Tale of Two Women
A review of Elizabeth and Hazel: Two Women of Little Rock by David Margolick.
Hot Dog, A Brush With the Law!
Dusty Bettis' account of an incident where non-ignorance of the law paid off.
In Case of Rapture
William Love Dockery’s short story about moonshine, religion and a mysterious death.
Kids & PoliticsWhy Daddy Drinks
Ron Hart offers a guide to parenting.
Flying Into the Past
Poetry by Steve Newton.
Daddy’s in the Closet
Idgie at the Dew explains where her father stays and why.
The Way ‘Twas
A short story by Rebecca Swopes about the tragedies of war.
A Poetic Travelogue of the Heart
A review of Marsha Mathews’ Northbound Single-Lane, a book of poetry.
Lefty Frizzell:
A Story of a One-of-a-Kindness
Songwriter Lee Owens talks about his memories of country legend Lefty Frizzell.
A Flying Family Reunion
Writer Ron Burch explains why a good ol’ family reunion is worth the weight.

Post Office Box 1314
Norcross, GA 30091-1314
David Ray Skinner
Jann Marthaler
Regular Contributing Writers
Ron Burch
Lisa Love
SouthernReader is an E-publication with all rights reserved. SouthernReader reserves the right to reject or approve all advertisements. The ads that appear in SouthernReader do not constitute an endorsement for products and services as advertised. Letters can be sent to SouthernReader, P.O. Box 1314, Norcross, GA 30091-1314. Ads and articles can be submitted by email to dskinner@SouthernReader.com. ©2012 Bridgital/SouthernReader, unless differently noted.